Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mothers NEVER Change

Cindy has been my child for 40 years, 1 month and 21 days,approximately. We have weathered all kinds of storms and clear sailing during that time,together mostly. She has been a grown child since she gave birth to Nathan. In that time since she was grown, my heart has laughed and cried and prayed with her, and for her, many times.

Today my "MOTHER'S" heart is praying again as she has some major minor surgery done. Part of my prayer is that you will all be praying with me for her clean and speedy recovery.(Clean meaning no infections, etc.) God bless Pooper and I will see you soon....Saturday to be exact!

Mothers NEVER change. They hold you close to their heart, physically, when you are little and always IN their heart no matter how old you get.

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