Wednesday, August 19, 2009


whats going on with aunt cindy? nothing bad i hope. well anyways the day is getting closer for me to meet arianna. i cant wait. oh and so u all know moms plan isnt a secret. she told me because she didnt know of a way to get me to go with out knowing first so dont try to act like aunt beth and play like you dont know whats going on. im sure all of you are aware that in dating nicole wescott too. things are going great and look good for the future as well. work is going good. alittle hot though but ill deal with it. things at home are great. keith and i are getting along very good. hopefully everyone can meet my "brother" pretty much thats what he is. if im having a bad day i can talk to him about it and he straightens me out. same with him. he met uncle jim and aunt beth yesterday cause hes having problems with his car and sam asked uncle jim to take a look at it. well that my bit of good news for now. oh and christy if you get this please give me a call i have something important to ask u hopefully u still have the phone number i left on your cell. peace love and pancakes love kyle

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