Friday, August 24, 2007

Good food... Makes things better??

Actually, I made this last night, and it was awesome! I ate my piece while sitting in Algebra, which was not a "fun" class. The professor cut all communication off, except to him. So, I couldn't make any new friends. :( In my Science class, though, I made a couple, and the teacher was pretty nice. So, see I can see the bright side of things. :)

Check out the cute photo of Ruth and Grandpa Bud. He let her put a ponytail in his beard, and then she forced a smile from him. :) Well, really, he was already laughing. :)

Oh, and Ruth likes to use the self timer on the camera. She perched it on my shoulder, and took this photo. Like her new "do"? We trimmed off the excess to hopefully soften the appearance of her spot a bit more. It's not so floppy, in any case. :)

Lots of love to all!


Jenn said...

Ruthie's hair looks amazing. nice work

Christie said...

Mmmm, cherry pie filling. :)