Sunday, September 23, 2007

yo yo

Hello all! Well...I'm sicker than a dog as well as my sister. Thankfully, I don't have a 102 degree tempature. It just started with my left nostril running like a faucet, and my left eye tearing all the time. Now I have a nasty cough (with brown phlem to be really descriptive) and my nose is running out of both nostries, it is crap!! Anyway, the college fair at HACTC was on thursday, and I filled out cards at almost every station to get information on college. Unfotrunatly, none of them offered Criminal Pyschology, but Macintosh college called me the day after and said they are offering a 15 month program for criminal justice and invited me for a visit!! I'm pretty excited to go and check it out with mom and dad. I will probably be doing that this week or next. It is in Dover New Hampshire. I also want to see Michaels, which is a hair school. They have Paul Mitchells son come and do classes there all the time, and a lot of famous hair dressers and what not. And every year the school goes to LAS VEGAS to do some sweet hair competition which is a pretty big deal. It was alot of fun checking all this stuff out...
So Mike decided this morning he was done smoking, and I laughed in his face (Supportive, I know) but when we stopped to get me cigarettes, he didn't get any!! and he didn't even have any! I couldn't even believe it! I hope that he really does quit, and as for me, it's been crossing my mind lately, not enough to actually make the choice just yet though.
I cut and colored sams hair yesterday, even layered it!! Let me just say, I did a hell of a lot better on her than that day with aunt kathys (no offense aunt cindy, it was pretty bad, but I think we will make a good team some day!) The dye job didn't come out as she wanted, which was strange, but I told her she needs to wait at least three weeks to color again unless she wants it falling out like mine did when I dyed it three times in one week. Oh, and I got a sweet bumper sticker from Scotland by the Yard and it says "Scots make better lovers" haha I thought it was sweet.
And that's pretty much what's been going on lately, so see ya! Love Everyone!

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