Saturday, September 22, 2007

Maryland Renaissance Festival.

Karen and I went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival today to see her friend Maddy perform as an Aerial Angel. I've always kinda wanted to go to a festival like this and it was great to finally be able to- thank goodness for a sister who likes going events like this! There was a lot to see and we didn't get to it all, but we did see some good performances and had some yummy food. We saw the sword swallower, a show called Fight School II where a group of guys perform various fighting scenes using various weapons (swords, cutlasses, etc), jousting, and of course Maddy's performance. And, we saw lots of bosoms hanging out of corseted tops, so that's great. Haha. Below are some pictures from our day.

This is Maddy during her aerial performance.

This is when they used the whip to rip a piece of paper in half. That piece started out as a full sheet of newspaper!

Johnny Fox the sword swallower swallowing a sword.

In awe over the sword swallowing.

One of the jousting performance events- basically they were bonking each other on the head for points.

Karen cheering at the jousting while waving her turkey leg.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I am SO envious!! I have always wanted to go to a Renaissance Festival!! How fun that you could enjoy it together! Karen sure does love her turkey legs.....