Monday, September 17, 2007

Not feelin so good....

Well, Sam has not been feeling well since last Wednesday. She has been running a fever of 100 - 103 pretty steady so we finally broke down and went to the doctors today. She may have mono so they sent her to the clinic to have blood drawn. We won't find out for sure for a few days. They wrote her a note to stay home from work until Wednesday morning so she is at home watching all the "Americas Top Model" shows that she has taped for the past 3 months. If it's not mono I'm not sure what they will do. I will keep everyone updated. I also had to make an appt for Jenn because she has a sore throat with white things on the back, although the school nurse says it is NOT strep because she does not have a temp. We will have her checked out tomorrow.
That's all my news....


Christie said...


p.s. Auntie Beth, or someone, check your snail mail. :)

Jenn said...

Mom, I feel like my throat bumps look like herpes lol