Thursday, November 8, 2007

Condo update!

Say hello to the new homeowner in the family! WOO! Well, okay, so we've only signed the contract for the condo, we haven't actually closed on it yet, but still, the process is begun and it's going to be ours! I am so excited! It's a two bedroom, two bath, in a really beautiful community west of where we live now- which means it's a little longer commute to work, but so worth it! This is what the floor plan looks like for our unit, it's called the Cleremont. The only difference between our actual unit and this floor plan is that when you walk into our unit, the dining room and kitchen are on the right, not the left. We are going to the design center on Saturday morning to see what color our countertops are and stuff, so that will be cool because we will get to see how everything goes together and if we want to change anything. Then over the next few months we will be doing various inspections, like dry wall, because this place is in framing right now- with just the outside finished. Yep, that means it's a BRAND NEW place! Casey and I are both really excited and can't wait to move in!


Poopsie said...

I am so happy for you! How exciting to be able to make all of the choices!

Jenn said...


Beth said...

Excellent choice! A totally good investment and you get to make it yours! Very exciting stuff, Congradulations!

DJ said...

that's really cool. i hope you really enjoy it!

sam said...

im happy for u both! hope everything goes well for you two.