first off, i figured that i would thank you all for being supportive of me right now. but i also figured i'd let you know that i'm doing pretty good with the situation. i have decided to think of it as a good thing, and just move right on. we can now both fulfill our dreams with out having to worry about conflicts with the other's dreams. this is good because we have pretty much totally different idea's about our futures. but since i made this decision, it's gotten alot easier for me and i think things should be fine for me reletively soon.
That's a very grown up and awesome perspective to take DJ! I'm glad you are moving along happily and I wish you the best in whatever your hopes are for your future! I'm sure you'll be great no matter what you've got planned!
sorry i couldnt have been any help but i do know what you feel like. hope to see you very soon.
I am very proud of you for stepping to next level. I don't understand why she felt the way she did, but you know that you didn't do anything wrong, and that you fulfilled your promises to her.
I hope that you can keep this positive outlook. It will be nice to see you pursue your dreams for yourself.
I am always here for you,
Love Mumsie :)
I'm proud of you for making the right choice DJ, the one taht is better for you, and meets your needs, instead of hers. Alot of times people do things for their significant other, without thinking about how it is going to make them feel. I hope things get easier, and that you grow and learn from this experience. I love you!
I agree with everyone else. I'm glad that for the long term that things are going to be better.
I also appreciate your candor in sharing about this with us. It's nice that your comfortable sharing about something that is unhappy as well as happy stuff. That's what life is all about!
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