Sunday, April 27, 2008


So Danny is doing better. He was in the hospital for a while because he went to go home one day and he stood up and his blood bag filled with blood instantly, two times, and then he passed out. So they kept him for another day, and tried to send him home, but he wanted to stay because the NBA play offs were on tv and he doesn't have cable at joshs. So I think he goes back into surgery next week. They had to do an emergency surgery and a blood transfusion at some point last week because things just were good. But now he is back at joshs...blood bag and all...and is in great need of a sponge bath!! haha. Just thought i'd keep everyone posted (Well-mostly DJ, because he knows him!) hope all is well with the family!!

1 comment:

DJ said...

Well that's great! I hope they get it all done without anything going wrong.