Saturday, July 12, 2008


sorry I haven't posted in a while.but work's been in the way.
Well I'll start from the end of my senior year. I got awards. 325$ I think. 2 awards, both of which were for being top notch plumber. I got my NOCTI score back, I got a 92. I also Gradumacated. that's good. I had my grad party, that was good too. Sorry I haven't gotten the chance to do my thank you notes, but they will come, Thank you anyway. I started work at ASI on june 30th. I came to find out that I was the only one of 3 grasso plumbers that was supposed to be working there. One of them had actually gotten me the job, and was fired because he never showed up to work and when he did, he didn't work. The other was fired before he started because he had talked his way up, and the company found out that none of this was true. But anyway, work is good. I have been told I am starting out better than most people they've had come through, and my apprenticeship has been started early. I was supposed to wait 30 days from the date I started, and I signed the papers to start on Thursday, getting me a 50 cent raise. On top of that, when I bring in my diploma, I should get a 90 cent raise if Tony (the head boss) decides that my school credit should count towards my apprenticeship time, which is 8,000 hours of trade related work. my school time would account for 1500 hours of that. Well anyway, I'm going to look at getting a vehicle today, and must get dressed to do so. I'll talk to you later.

Oh I forgot to mention, I bought Erin tickets to see The Dropkick Murphys for here birthday, and we are going tonight. And on top of that, she got tickets to see the Phantom of the Opera in NYC and I will be going on her birthday for that. It is on a smaller Broadway theatre, not the big one but close. It will be the same people.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

So congrats on all that work related goodness. I wish I could get a raise! ahah oh, and I'm kind of jelous you get to see the dropkick murphys, that should be a good show