Thursday, August 21, 2008


i am right now asking for your support and prayer for mae. there is a terrorist group where she lives called MILF( Moro Islamic Liberation Front) and they are bombing around where she lives. it is bad enough to where the president of the philippines has ordered a red alert to her area and stationed a couple thousand soldiers to help prevent anymore terrorist events there. that is all for now, will keep updating as i get info


Poopsie said...

I will be praying. Protection for her, and comfort for you. It is hard to know that the ones you love are in harm's way. Especially when you can do nothing about it.
With love,

Anonymous said...

I, too am praying for protection for Colen and comfort for you, as well as calmness of mind and peace of heart and spirit. May she and her family be surrounded by the loving peace and protection of our Lord.

Love, Grama