Thursday, November 6, 2008

Crazy Times in Philadelphia!

Ok, so like a million things have happened in the past week, but I don't want to go on and on so I'll try to keep it short and sweet but include everything that has been going on. So here goes.

Phillies win the World Series!!!!

Last Wednesday the Phillies won the World Series for the first time in 28 years and needless to say, the city went CRAZY. We all (me, nester, kyle, kyle, and dan) went into Center City to celebrate and it was out of control.
We're excited!

Those pictures and the video give a vague idea of what it was like, but basically the streets were completely packed and the noise was constant. Then Friday was the parade, which we sort of saw and was similar in terms of people in the streets.

So that was the World Series.
click here to see the rest of my pictures


Some of Kyle's friends had a Halloween party at their house so we went to that. It was fun. Of course, I put off planning my costume so I ended up with pregnant zombie and then decided to put on this costume I got from the circus and wore that. I was any combination of pregnant zombie alien/circus performer/ziggy stardust/MIA/80's skier

These guys are hard to explain if you don't know the joke, but basically we add 'bro' into anything, which just means that stereotypical frat guy sort of thing. So Kyle was Rambro and Nester was Squantbro.

We talked about how for Halloween a lot of people just get away with being 'sexy' anything, so Dan went as sexy Olenick (a friend of ours) who was at the party dressed as a bag of leaves.


Today I finished the research study I was doing. I had to go in two days and it went like this: They take blood. I go in the MRI for half an hour then come out. Then I take the pill (either the actual medication or a placebo) and then go in for another half hour. Then I wait two hours and go in again. This time I did a short memory activity to stimulate the brain and stuff. It was pretty cool, but I'm kind of glad it's over. It's really hard to lay that still for so long in a tiny place.

Well, that doesn't seem like a million things, but it seemed like a million. But also Dan's brother Aidan got here Saturday so we've been entertaining him. And Tuesday I volunteered for a couple of hours with the Obama campaign, just going around making sure people had voted. And then we watched the election on tv and stayed out until the wee hours of the morning celebrating.

President-elect Barack Obama in Philadelphia last month.

YAY! I POSTED! AND IT'S A NOVEL!! Hope you all enjoyed. I think I got all of it...


Poopsie said...

Thank you for the updates, Karen.
What a neat thing to be around, when the hometome team wins the Series. I cannot imagine how wild it was.

I am glad you are not having to be the guinea pig anymore. How is it being on Target? :)

And, wow, campaiginng for Obama! That is the coolest thing of all, well except maybe that costume of yours. :)

Jenn said...

Did you see obama in real life!? That's amazing. I baked cookies for the obamans in Lebanon...instead of going door to door (never know who's going to kidnap you in lebanon,right?) You're costumes were amazing!