Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I'm so glad people are posting again! It's very exciting, especially for someone who has a lot of time on their hands (like little ol' jobless me). Actually, not so jobless me anymore. I have my Macy's training tomorrow from 9am-6pm. And then, guess what?! I'm driving up to Vermont for Thanksgiving!!!! WEEEE!!!! I wasn't sure what I was going to do because I figured I would have to work the day after, which I probably will, but won't know until tomorrow. Either way, I am going to get there. My housemate Dan is coming with me so the late night driving won't be so scary and lonely. So that will be nice. Hopefully I won't have to work at 5am Friday, but even if I do it will be worth it to get up to Vermont to see family, and of course for an amazing meal! I will miss those of you who won't be there, but for those who will, I can't wait to see you! YAYAYAYAY!

1 comment:

Christie said...