Thursday, March 26, 2009

Today IS the day!

How I loved the purple guitar cake.
Christie and Karen gave me a special gift. View it here:
Thank you Cindy for remembering my birthday twice. Maybe 40 is catching up to you already!

Is TODAY the Right day?

If so, then I wish Kathy the very best!
I hope you have a very...

Love, Cindy P and the CT Acorns

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


so just pulled out of israel. went on a tour of Jerusalem, saw alot of sites. i will share all pics i have from there, when i come home. but after leaving there, i feel that i should state that i feel like a new man. i know i havent been a real religous guy for the past few years, much to mothers dissapointment, but i feel i am going to try to start over on the whole thing.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

First tooth!

I hope I don't get in trouble with Sam but since she can't post very often I thought I would share that Logans first tooth made it's appearance on Saturday March 21st! It's too tiny to get a picture of but we wanted to share. Her little boy is growing up! He had his 6 month appt on Thursday and weighed 19.6 lbs and is over 28 inches long! Starting to sit up on his own and although he isn't crawling, he is certainly moving around on the floor quite a bit. It won't be long!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cindy's turning 40

Please, if everyone would try to not make plans for June 27, 09,

So I can invite you to Cindy’s “Over the hill” 40th Birthday party.

It will be here at the house on Saturday, the 27th at around 1:00 or so.

If everyone can bring something, that would be great.

You can email me for further info or questions.

My email is   

Thank You. : D



Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Christie and Colen

Happy 25th Christie! I hope you have a "moooooo-ving" birthday!

You are a wonderful daughter and I'm looking forward to spending a few days with you next week. I love you!!
Happy Birthday to Colen too!! Two beautiful girls to share a birthday. I hope we can meet Colen very soon!

Happy Birthdays

Yes, birthdays, as in more than one.....

Happy birthday to Christie!

Here she is 20 years ago, about one of the cutest flower girls I ever saw. Who could resist the pretty lavender bow in her hair. Princess #1, we sure do love you!

I know she is an unofficial family member, and I may be breaking the rules, but since I know she often reads our blog:

Happy birthday to Colen Mae!

Friday, March 13, 2009


i know that i havent said anything for awhile. everything is good here. been working hard on the farmers tan, and all that. talking to colen, ther is the small possibility that she wont be here in april, so i am kinda upset about that but everything else is fine. and yes i will be stateside soon, in norfolk, and i will be coming home for like two weeks. see yall soon

name game fun......

Real (First) Name: Nathan

Witness Protection Name
(mother's and father's middle names):

Lee Gene

Nascar Name
(1st names of your mother's and father's fathers):
Joseph Earl

Star Wars Name
(1st 3 letters of last name and 1st 2 letters of first name):

Detective Name
(favorite color, favorite animal):
Red Dog

Soap Opera Name
(middle name, town where you were born):
James Hanover

Superhero Name
(The, then 2nd favorite color and favorite drink):
The Black Amp

Fly Name
(1st 2 letters of first name, last 2 letters of last name):

Street Name
(Favorite ice cream flavor & favorite cookie):
Vanilla Nilla wafers

Rock Star Name
(pet's name and street where you live):
Sam Hampton

Adult Entertainment Name
(1st pet, street you grew up on):
Sampson Voluntown

Gangsta Name
(1st 3 letters of real name plus "izzle"):

Goth Name
(Black plus a pet's name):
Black Ally

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Hey everyone.

I found out two nights ago that Josh has been using heroin for the past couple weeks, and he did 18 bags one night trying to overdose and die.

Mom, RB, and I got together last night and planned an "intervention" for Saturday morning at ten at our house. Anyone who could come and give support around this is more than welcome, and if not, please pray for his safety and well being until then.

We plan on letting him know that he doesn't need to give up hope, and that there are people that love him and care about him. He doesn't think that anyone will accept him for what he has done, and we are trying to get him to see that we do care and we can accept him.

I love Josh alot, and I can't let him kill himself, but Mom also reminded me that I can't save him. If this doesn't work on saturday than that will be the end of our relationship. Please feel free to come, we need all the support we can get!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


so, Brian and i went to see the Dropkick Murphy's last night and it was awesome!!! Well it started with us driving up to Hartford in the snow and rain. We got to the Webster at4:00 and waited outside for 3 hours in the cold for the doors to open. it was me, brian, and 5 other people out there the whole time. aside from the cold, we got to be up close to several members of the bands that were to play. which was pretty cool and i got to be the cool one and tell all the others when somone passed by. Anyway, we ended up getting in around 7 and headed up to the front of the arena. the openers came on. 3 bands by the names of Tommy and the terrors, Sympfette ( im not sure on the spelling) and H2O. finally the Murphy's came on and the crowd got kinda rowdy... Brian ended up getting head butted by a rather large and pissed off guy... who ended up meeting my knee to his face for the previously stated action by him. he felt as though my actions were not needed, so i got his rather large fist to the nose... now, i cant breathe out of my nose, and its not comfortable to wear my glasses... anyway, the show went on, atleast until a member of the band spotted a crowd member pulling out a knife. the music stopped and the knife puller was yanked out of the crowd. the music continued and we rocked our faces off till about midnight. and we went home, sore and tired and all rocked out...

We hope you have an awesome day!

The Knudsen Branch of the VA Nuts

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Barney Room

After you are working so hard, you tend to lose track of things....
This is one sie of my room...the pictures make it look kind of dark, but it isn't as dark as it seems.

My beautiful Crushing the Habit painting.....

Me working super hard on the FOURTH day of painting.....

Mom has that rag because she couldnt paint inside the lines...but in the end it came out beautiful.
So yes, the room does look like someone put dynamite in barneys you know what, and then exploded, but I think it looks wonderful and it was about time for a change. We worked super hard and got the room done in a day (without many breaks too!)
So I just thought I should share whats been going on for me, how about the rest of you!?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

haha Name Fun...or Fun Name??

Real (First) Name: Jennifer

Witness Protection Name
(mother's and father's middle names):
Marie Louis

Nascar Name
(1st names of your mother's and father's fathers):
Joseph Coy

Star Wars Name
(1st 3 letters of last name and 1st 2 letters of first name):

Detective Name
(favorite color, favorite animal):
Black Zebra

Soap Opera Name
(middle name, town where you were born):
Elaine Lebanon

Superhero Name
(The, then 2nd favorite color and favorite drink):
The Red Ice Coffee

Fly Name
(1st 2 letters of first name, last 2 letters of last name):

Street Name
(Favorite ice cream flavor & favorite cookie):
Dinosaur Crunch Peanut Butter Blossom

Rock Star Name
(pet's name and street where you live):
Leonard Maple

Adult Entertainment Name
(1st pet, street you grew up on):
Sharp Tooth 118 (not a good adult entertainment name! haha)

Gangsta Name
(1st 3 letters of real name plus "izzle"):

Goth Name
(Black plus a pet's name):
Black Britney

Name Fun

I've seen this several places and thought it would be fun for everyone to do. Just copy, paste, delete my answers, and fill in your answers.

Real (First) Name: Christina

Witness Protection Name
(mother's and father's middle names):
Ann Philip

Nascar Name
(1st names of your mother's and father's fathers):
Joseph Maurice

Star Wars Name
(1st 3 letters of last name and 1st 2 letters of first name):

Detective Name
(favorite color, favorite animal):
Orange Pup

Soap Opera Name
(middle name, town where you were born):
Cameron Berlin

Superhero Name
(The, then 2nd favorite color and favorite drink):
The Cobalt Water

Fly Name
(1st 2 letters of first name, last 2 letters of last name):

Street Name
(Favorite ice cream flavor & favorite cookie):
Maple Walnut Mammie's Chocolate Chip

Rock Star Name
(pet's name and street where you live):
Gracie Byrne Meadow

Adult Entertainment Name
(1st pet, street you grew up on):
Sophie Main

Gangsta Name
(1st 3 letters of real name plus "izzle"):

Goth Name
(Black plus a pet's name):
Black Lucy

Monday, March 2, 2009

News from the Middle East

A phone call was received today from the Middle East. The sailor on the line sounded healthy and his mother was more than thankful for the snow that left her sitting at home today. :)
Photos will be on my blog later.

Nate said that they were getting ready to detach, or maybe they had detached. They will hopefully begin heading home by next week. :) It will take a long while, especially since they will have some ports to stop in. So, keep on praying for safe return!

Hello Family!

I went with Karen to her work on Saturday and thought I'd share some pictures I took of the day.
This is the front of the theater.
This is the house across the street, which is where President Lincoln died after being shot at the theater.
These are our princess staircase photos.
Working girl Karen getting programs for stocking the upstairs.
A view from the balcony seating area.
The infamous presidential box where Lincoln was shot.
The view from the seat I had during the show, which was really good!
Afterwards, we went to this historic DC place called Ollie's Trolley for creemees. They were delish!

Hope everyone is doing awesome! I miss you all!