Thursday, August 27, 2009


Woo, did I get it on the right day this year?!? :)

Hope you have an awesome day!

Christie and Casey

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stars of the BBQ

Happy Birthday Grama!

Happy Birthday Scoot!

Not Logan's birthday--but he's still a star!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Crue Fest 2.....

so i went to crue fest today and had a blast......all the bands were good, but godsmack and motley crue were easily the best. crue did the entire dr feelgood album plus another 10 songs or so. the only thing i was upset about was that tommy lee hurt his hand so he didnt play the drums. pictures and video will come at a later time

Friday, August 21, 2009


hey sorry i havent posted for a long time i have been good! i have been spending alot of time with keith and kyle. i am also working on my confidence alot. they have been helping me through alot of stuff i have been dealing with. anyway so logan is doing good! he now is getting the hang of walking. its so cute!!! his 1st birthday is comming up!! i cant believe it it has gone by so fast!! well hope everyone is doing well!!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


whats going on with aunt cindy? nothing bad i hope. well anyways the day is getting closer for me to meet arianna. i cant wait. oh and so u all know moms plan isnt a secret. she told me because she didnt know of a way to get me to go with out knowing first so dont try to act like aunt beth and play like you dont know whats going on. im sure all of you are aware that in dating nicole wescott too. things are going great and look good for the future as well. work is going good. alittle hot though but ill deal with it. things at home are great. keith and i are getting along very good. hopefully everyone can meet my "brother" pretty much thats what he is. if im having a bad day i can talk to him about it and he straightens me out. same with him. he met uncle jim and aunt beth yesterday cause hes having problems with his car and sam asked uncle jim to take a look at it. well that my bit of good news for now. oh and christy if you get this please give me a call i have something important to ask u hopefully u still have the phone number i left on your cell. peace love and pancakes love kyle

Mothers NEVER Change

Cindy has been my child for 40 years, 1 month and 21 days,approximately. We have weathered all kinds of storms and clear sailing during that time,together mostly. She has been a grown child since she gave birth to Nathan. In that time since she was grown, my heart has laughed and cried and prayed with her, and for her, many times.

Today my "MOTHER'S" heart is praying again as she has some major minor surgery done. Part of my prayer is that you will all be praying with me for her clean and speedy recovery.(Clean meaning no infections, etc.) God bless Pooper and I will see you soon....Saturday to be exact!

Mothers NEVER change. They hold you close to their heart, physically, when you are little and always IN their heart no matter how old you get.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Sundance!

Happy, happy Birthday Dear Mumsie!

Friday, August 14, 2009

August 14, 1982

Saturday, August 8, 2009

hi all

i just want to say first off that im sorry for not posting. i have been busy with lifes harder things. im fine everyting with my roomate is going good. i bought a differant truck and had to change motors in it but its all good because its for Arianna my baby, i had alot of good help even samantha and she doesnt have a clue lol . . i have been working hard and trying to get things ready for her to arive but im kind of getting discuoraged because of ritas veiws but ill be ok. i hope everything is going to be good but who knows. on a better note, nice fish dj and uncle darrell maybe next time dj will get a better fish. lol yeah right. i hope to see everyone soon. peace,love and pancakes. love kyle

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dear Scott,
Thank you for providing me with precious gifts as my Godfather.
I hope you have a fantastic birthday.
Love, Christie
Happy birthday Scott!
from all of the Nuts

Saturday, August 1, 2009


more to add........ come august 21st,2009 i will be going to see motley crue in the va beach amphitheater. cannot wait.....