Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Cindy Pooper!

Here's the youngest of the Blivens sitting with her three lovely older sisters.

Hee! Hee! Do I see a little bit of Ruth Elaine in that smile?

Enjoy your day, Cindy, next year you are

I hope you have an awesome day and that your upcoming year is filled with love, joy, and laughter.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Well, Sorry I havent posted in a while, i've been kind of busy since I've graduated (Thank you Aunt Kathy for posting that wonderful picture of me at graduation) Oh, and yes, I can now post from my new laptop mom and dad got me for graduation, I'm using it to write this blog. I love it.

Congratulations DJ on graduating! Welcome to the real world, I'm a week into it, and have not a clue as to what I want to do with myself. no rush though!

I'm currently in middle of trying to find a new job. I got a job at the Harley shop that I am not going to accept because the lady was crazy and not so kind so I am going to pass. I applied at Dartmouth hospital so I hope I can get into there.

So I'm sure you all know by now that I'm dating a lovely boy named josh, who's my assistant manager at Newbury. Next week I'm moving into an apartment with him, his brother Danny, doug, dave, and brandon. (The River City Rebels) So I have been in middle of packing and stuff.

So that is the current update on my life, hope all is well!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Poopsie :) has sent you a video - Lobster Program - 6/16

Lobster Program - 6/16
Erin, Dj's girlfriend is featured in this video. SHe is a part of the Environmetnal Science program at Grasso, and is the 2nd student interviewed. I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It is DONE!

Hey, the years of sitting and reflecting have ended. Well, maybe not.. :) But my time at Kaplan is near the end. My last final paper has been posted. I only await the results.
I want to thank my children for their patience in living with a loony mother. It has not been easy I know. But, it means a lot to me that I can achieve a dream I had before I had Nathan. One I was not sure I would ever accomplish. Here I am tearing up. It is done, I can find a new dream. Maybe one that doesn't have me screaming at 7 in the morning or shushing those I love.
All I know is that my goal for now it to watch DJ walk across the stage and get his paper that says he did it. And I promise not to grab him while he walks down the aisle. I don't know what I was thinking, Nate. Except that I was so proud of you I just needed to grab on. :)
In any case, I can rest a bit easy. I can call Anneli and let her know that I could bomb my papers and still pass the term. *Yes, I contemplated not doing the Psych paper. But, I am glad I did it. :)

Thank you to Mom and my sisters too. I can not tell you what the cheerleading has done for me. You guys have always got my back.
I love you all!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Congratulations Jenn! You made it! And with your new toy, you can post what's next with no problem!

Happy Belated Birthday Brian! I hope 17 is a good number for you. 18 will be an eye opener for sure!

DJ, what a week you will have! See you on Friday night!

Cindy, I hope you survived your last days of college with blazing colors. I'm proud of you.

We have all been crazy busy lately, haven't we??

More to come........

(here's a hint)

Saturday, June 14, 2008


This is a video of one of the dogs at work. He's a 5 year old borfer collie named shadow who can do some amazing things. This is just him up a tree that he climbed, and is climbing back down. We also have 2 young border collies about 6 months old. Bandit, and Sadie, they are slowly learning to be like Shadow, but it's kinda tough because Sadies got the instinct to herd absolutley EVERYTHING that she can. including the draft horse Rebel who isn't a big fan of it. And bandit just like to run around and play.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Brian!

17 years ago today,
Brian came into our lives.

We haven't been the same since. :)

Surprisingly, I found this written in his baby book:

Uncle John Rautio watched Nathan and DJ while Daddy brought us home. Daddy almost made Nathan cry when he told him that "we gave him to the doctors". He found the baby very fast. DJ was also happy to have us home, but didn't want Nate near Brian. I was very tired and not much company to the family who came by. He threw up all over Grandma Ruth. Grandpa seemed to enjoy holding him for awhile. Here is a clue I should have picked up on: First night's sleep was only 1 1/2 hours, before daylight.

Today, Brian lights up the house with laughter and he makes us think about stuff in a way that is out of the box. Brian has become the mediator, seeing things from both sides of the coin, unless of course he is in the argument. :) The animals in his life are important to him, you should hear him whistle to Sam before he is even in the yard. Then each of the cats is greeted before Mom, who might even be right in the doorway to say "Hello". Music has a place in Brian's life: he scribbles lyrics in his books, and I think on the walls of his room. AH, Brian, just remember...

We love you!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


well it finally happened. i got my leavechit back and it was............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ aprooved. will be coming home sometime between july 14th and july 21st and leave aug 11th

Honorary Nuts

Nana and Aunt Betty Bliven.
Though they are not Southworths,
these two woman have touched our lives forever.
Growing up, there was always a fancy Aunt Betty cake for special occasions. I remember sitting on a stool in her pantry eating saltines from a can. The room where I played with blocks smelled like the fresh baked cakes that were in various stages on tables everywhere. Hey, she even taught me how to play rummy so I wouldn't feel left out from the group. We used my teeny tiny Raggedy Ann cards. I felt so grown up. :)
Nana may be from the "other branch of the tree", but I know where she stands in my heart. Right along with the rest of you nuts. Need I say more?

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Newest Nut

From Michelle:


Dennis & I would like to introduce our newest family member...


     Clara Morgan Grace

     Born: Saturday, June 7  @ 4:00 PM

            5lb. 9oz. 18 inches


Lindsay & Sam are thrilled and everyone is doing wonderfully -


She's perfect in every way!


Thursday, June 5, 2008


these are pictures from my reenlistement.

this is me getting my certificate of honorable discharge. the guy in the photo is my enlisting officer LCDR England.
my letter of advancement to 2nd class
and finally me signing my life away.

Monday, June 2, 2008

so... big weekend...

so the weeken started with Prom on saturday, which was not worth the 65$ that I payed for it.
we were supposedto be given a small dinner, which we didn't get, and the only music they played was rap. so it was not very good. But it was at the Mystic Aquarium, which was neat, nd they had penguins out and about for a while.
Anyway, after that, Myself and Erin went to her Grandma's house, where we spent the night (in seperate rooms on seperate floors of course) and then yesterday, she had a dance competition in Glastonbury. For those of you who don't know, she is an Irish step dancer. and we went, had some fun, and she danced 5 different dances, placing 3rd in 2 of them, which was good because she hasn't competed in 2 years.
the last 2 pictures are her getting ready, and dancing, .
the really curly hair is not her by the way, it is a wig she has to wear when she dances like that.
Anyway, I have stuff to do, you know gotta get what I can get done at home while I'm not working since this will be pretty much the only time I have until graduation.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Karen's Party and a Crocquet Tournament

What a fun party! I'm so glad Scott suggested crocquet! More photos to come on Snapfish.

I'm not sure how Jenn found her way in to so many pictures. But there you have it.
(What the heck is wrong with this post??? I did something wrong when I uploaded the photos. Good grief. Please notice the best of all the photos--taken by the guest of honor--the one of the four men looking in four directions. I love that one! And Beth's blue teeth. Thanks for sharing.)

Christie's Shower

My photos of the event weren't that great but I liked these. I'll always be grateful to everyone for the effort they put into making the day so special for Christie. I'll post the remainder on snapfish when I get a minute. I'll let interested parties know via e-mail.