Wednesday, March 26, 2008

AND another...


... and because I wasn't on for the others that I've missed in the past weeks...



Happy Birthday Mum!

Man, Aunt Cindy beat me to it! :)


Hope you have a fabulous birthday!

Love you!

Oh, and I wanted to add this one just because... it's special. :)

Happy Birthday, Kathy!

I just want to take the time before I get moving today to say, "Happy Birthday."
I love you and wish you the best.
PS: I have a photo but the blog wasn't letting me add it.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Karen, Casey, and I are going to miss you all from up north this Easter. Karen is here with us today and we are going to go to church and then to have brunch at the Silver Diner. We hope you all have a great Easter and that the egg hunt isn't too difficult in the snow!

Love you and miss you all... LOTS!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More on St Patty's day...

I forgot to point out that when watching the video, Erin is the one under the light in the back during most of the video..

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


yeah i'm a little late, but still....

anyways. I figured I'd come and share our St. Patty's adventure. To start off, I should let you know that Erin is an Irish dancer. She was doing alot of shows yesterday, and Mom and I were going to see her at 5:30 in mystic, but it was at a retirement home, and we couldn't go. So, I talked to Erin and found out about the last show, which was at 7 in New London at a bar called Hanafin's Pub. Anyways, we got there just too late, and they had started dancing. We had to stay outside for about 10 minutes until there was a big enough break in the dances to let people out and in. Mom and I got in, and were able to watch the last few dances, and we got some video on our phones (mom sent one to the comp.) Anyways that's the story and here's the Video. I apologize for the quality, but you can't expect alot from a phone, especially when filming and a loud, packed bar. But aside from the loud, drunk people, and being stuck outside for the first couple of dances, we had fun.

Photos of tuesday and the rescue

as you all have seen before, this is the 5 inch shooting. this from NSFS on tuesday.
this is the island we were shooting at. the cloud of smoke is the explosion from the rounds we were shooting.
this is from the rescue i was talking about. this is our RHIB( Rigged Hull Inflatable Boat) along side the korean life raft.
just a picture of the ship on fire
today we shot NGFS( Naval Gun Fire Support) for qualification. most unfortunetly we didnt pass the qual. we were shooting perfectly until maybe the 28th round when the gun broke really bada

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

I really had a great birthday. We found out our actual closing date (I hope) for the condo, which we've been waiting and waiting for. It's April 22nd, and we are supposed to do our final walk through April 15th, but that will have to be moved because that's the last day of tax season- not so good for Casey. Haha. So we went out yesterday and took measurements of all the rooms so we can buy paint. It's really starting to come together- all the appliances were in the kitchen, the plastic was pulled up off the floors. One of the construction supervisors was there doing a walk through to see what needs to be touched up. So, that's pretty exciting!
Last night we went to a bar called Four Courts because some people from Casey's work were having a pre-St. Patty's day gathering there. It was BUSY! But we had a good time and one of the girls brought me some birthday gear (seen below) so I got wished "happy birthday" a lot by random people who saw my sash and blinking star necklace- I didn't wear the crown the whole night, but others wore it and got their picture takenw ith me, haha. The best part was that one of my friends from college, who I haven't seen in YEARS, came out and so we went to another bar with her and some of her friends and danced and had a great time. It was a great day that lasted into this morning! And thank you again for all your birthday wishes! I miss you and love you all lots!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Christie!

I don't have many photos of Christie on my computer, but here are a couple that I like.
I hope you are having a great day, Christie, you deserve it! You have much to look forward to this year, and I hope for many more to come.
Lots of love,
Aunt Cindy

Friday, March 14, 2008

It Ain't Easy

It's not too bad to be Karen and famous in Philly.......You can travel the city in relative anonymity with only an occasional snap from paparazzi. It's okay though because you share the spotlight.

New York City? New York City is another story. To see the full story click here.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


This is just to show you that I don’t just play war games and shoot things, we also help people in need. This morning we saw a boat on fire and we went in to help the people from the Korean ship. Unfortunately I am not in any of the photos but it is nice to know that we do actually help people. Just so you know my whole role was that I visually verified that there was a fire on board the vessel and helped set up the treatment center for those who needed it. if you want to check out an article about it, you check out at or there will be pictures to come.

long two days

So I am writing this from mikes bkackberry so hopefully it works. I just wanted everyone to no that the biopsy that happened a few weeks ago didn't turn out good so today I had to do the leep procedure. I found out yesterday and was quite panicked. I had to take one valuim and two tylenol codienes an hour before the procedure. I started crying when I saw rhe twelve inch needle about to be inserted inside me. Poor mom almost passed out. At the end I had a panic attack. So it really sucked and I'll post more when I'm on an actual computer.

ASI Fuel and Service.

So about a week ago a friend of mine came up to me in shop and said, " I got some good news for you and you need to get time on your phone." He said that he'd tell me what it was later, and did.
He was talking to his boss who said he was looking to hire someone and asked him about people in shop at school. My friend said that I was the only person that he would hire, because I know when to work, and I'm not thick headed like the others. Well yesterday, My friend ( his name is Alex) sent me a text saying that the job was mine and to give his boss a call around 5. I did so and well I am now (or really as of saturday when I fill out an application and such) an employee of ASI fuel and service. I will be making 8.50 an hour to start with monthly bonuses, and will only be working weekends until I can get my license, but it's a start.

I just figured I'd let you guys know!

hope see you soon!


Twins until March 26

Monday, March 10, 2008

Crashing Rock

THE highlight of the weekend! More on the wedding later!

(how about my movie making skills, huh?)


Hope you have a great day!

Love, The Nuts From Fairfax, VA

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Oops, she did it again!

Ruth yanked out her top tooth with a string and a doorknob.
I don't know how she can do that, but she manages to with out too much trouble.
I took this video, which I hope works for you, of Ruth. Her lisp is faint, but there. So, cute!
She is giving her input on Karen's post. She recognized "Starry Night"

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A New Term/ Diagnosis

Ruth had an evaluation done yesterday at the Occupational Therapists (OT) office. Kathy, who is her regular therapist, has been concerned about some sensory stuff with Ruth. Things like the lack of personal space, the need to smell stuff, the overload she shows when in a large group. Things are inconsistent, to some degree, with the anxiety.
So, after a bit of frustration in getting paperwork signed, off we were to the OT. I have had to fill out several different surveys/ tests/ forms, including 2 before hand. The OT did some "games"with Ruth, watched her play, had her write, and saw the every present crawling into Mom's lap, getting in Mom's hair, and needing to be rocked a bit. With that said, the new word for the day: "sensory integration dysfunction".
This is combined still with her previous diagnoses. The anxiety will likely be helped by the treatment for SID. It is long and weary, and I would try to explain more, but I just do not know enough yet. I know the OT would like to see Ruth "brushed" at school, and doing some other input stuff, or maybe it is output. When my load of books from Amazon gets here, I hope to be able to explain more.
For Now, I need to write a reflection Paper on Biomedical ethics, so that this afternoon, I can focus on a 2 page one for history regarding the Constitution. Gosh, I wish I could go to NYC for my school work. :)
Love to all!
:) Poopsie

OY from NYC

HEY! So, for this class I am taking at school, we are here in New York City for a field trip to use as an opportunity to collect research from primary resources in the theatre industry. I've been here since Friday and we have seen six shows. We will see thirteen by Sunday, which is when we finally head back. I am having an amazing time--I mean what else would a theatre major want to do with their spring break? It's been really exciting, not only seeing shows but being able to really explore the city in ways I've never been able to do. I've done more than I could ever post here, but here are a few pictures of what I've accomplished.

went to the museum of modern art and saw works by famous artists (starry night by van gogh)

eating a hot dog in central park. yummmm

the friends building (the exterior they show indicating their apartment building)

me on the staten island ferry (lady liberty is somewhere in the background, perhaps behind my big head)

So, that's a sample of what I've done so far. With about six days left, there will be much more, so I'll update you all later when I've had more adventures. love love!