Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So... Will and Kaleana are now proud parents.. Kaydee Marie Robillard was born between 730 and 800 tonight! i dont have any pictures at this point cause the stupid doctors said only parents and grandparents allowed at the stupid hospital cause of stupis h1n1 virus.... but i will post here and facebook when i can..

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Quick Inquiry

Why doesn't anyone post here anymore?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Jenn!

Happy Birthday Jenn!
Welcome to the 20's!
Love, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Mike
Happy Birthday, Jenn!
Love you lots, and wish you the best!
Happy Birthday, Jenn!
Love you lots, and wish you the best!
Aunt Cindy, Uncle Darrell, and Ruthe

Saturday, October 10, 2009

thank you for the happy b-days. great pic christy. love ya all. oh and i try to make everyone smile

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Kyle!
You have always found a way to make us smile.
And that's a good thing!
Have a great day!
Love, Aunt Kathy

Happy Birthday Kyle!

Enjoy your day- we hope it's a great one!

Christie & Casey
aka The VA Nuts

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


sorry i havent posted in a while......been really busy......just been thinking alot.......well all have a good day

Saturday, October 3, 2009

does nobody post on here anymore?

Monday, September 21, 2009


first off HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUTH ok now that that is done. if i didnt have bad luck i wouldnt have any at all. my weekend right from thursday after work right through til this morning sucked badly. i was at a friends on thursday and someone stopped by just to run him mouth to me about something that happened 8 months ago. then i got into a fight with rita about it and i was pissed and didnt sleep well that night then on friday almost got sent home from work because i brought my stress into work and flipped out on someone. then i went to moms and we had samson put to sleep friday afternoon that was hard to do. then while i was there sam called me telling me that nicole was bleeding and headed to the hospital so i raced up there and couldnt find her.so i came home and freaked out on sam because she just called without getting all the info before calling and getting me all upset. then i just let loose and cried my eyes out just from all the stress between work and personal issues. saturday was a good day. then last night nicole calls me crying because she was bleeding again so i raced over there to be with her. but thats pretty much my lif the past few days. ill talk to you all soon

Happy Belated Birthday Ruth!

You are growing up so fast!
We love you!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy 9th birthday, Ruthe!

This nutty family needed you to be complete!
Love, Mumsie :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I would like to ask for everybodys prayers for a friend of mine. My friend, and shop/ class mate through high school, Elson was shot several times over the weekend. i guess he's between critical and stable condition at this point, and is in care at Hartford Hospital. According to the news, he was at a party on the Pequot Reservation when he went outside, someone walked up to him and shot him several times in the abdomen and arm.I will be going to visit him one night this week after work. So, please keep Elson and his family in your prayers.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


for those who wanna see them, i posted 5 pictures from cruefest 2 on facebook. also there were parts of cruefest two on youtube.com. just search "cruefest 2" and you can see

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Woo, did I get it on the right day this year?!? :)

Hope you have an awesome day!

Christie and Casey

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stars of the BBQ

Happy Birthday Grama!

Happy Birthday Scoot!

Not Logan's birthday--but he's still a star!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Crue Fest 2.....

so i went to crue fest today and had a blast......all the bands were good, but godsmack and motley crue were easily the best. crue did the entire dr feelgood album plus another 10 songs or so. the only thing i was upset about was that tommy lee hurt his hand so he didnt play the drums. pictures and video will come at a later time

Friday, August 21, 2009


hey sorry i havent posted for a long time i have been good! i have been spending alot of time with keith and kyle. i am also working on my confidence alot. they have been helping me through alot of stuff i have been dealing with. anyway so logan is doing good! he now is getting the hang of walking. its so cute!!! his 1st birthday is comming up!! i cant believe it it has gone by so fast!! well hope everyone is doing well!!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


whats going on with aunt cindy? nothing bad i hope. well anyways the day is getting closer for me to meet arianna. i cant wait. oh and so u all know moms plan isnt a secret. she told me because she didnt know of a way to get me to go with out knowing first so dont try to act like aunt beth and play like you dont know whats going on. im sure all of you are aware that in dating nicole wescott too. things are going great and look good for the future as well. work is going good. alittle hot though but ill deal with it. things at home are great. keith and i are getting along very good. hopefully everyone can meet my "brother" pretty much thats what he is. if im having a bad day i can talk to him about it and he straightens me out. same with him. he met uncle jim and aunt beth yesterday cause hes having problems with his car and sam asked uncle jim to take a look at it. well that my bit of good news for now. oh and christy if you get this please give me a call i have something important to ask u hopefully u still have the phone number i left on your cell. peace love and pancakes love kyle

Mothers NEVER Change

Cindy has been my child for 40 years, 1 month and 21 days,approximately. We have weathered all kinds of storms and clear sailing during that time,together mostly. She has been a grown child since she gave birth to Nathan. In that time since she was grown, my heart has laughed and cried and prayed with her, and for her, many times.

Today my "MOTHER'S" heart is praying again as she has some major minor surgery done. Part of my prayer is that you will all be praying with me for her clean and speedy recovery.(Clean meaning no infections, etc.) God bless Pooper and I will see you soon....Saturday to be exact!

Mothers NEVER change. They hold you close to their heart, physically, when you are little and always IN their heart no matter how old you get.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Sundance!

Happy, happy Birthday Dear Mumsie!

Friday, August 14, 2009

August 14, 1982

Saturday, August 8, 2009

hi all

i just want to say first off that im sorry for not posting. i have been busy with lifes harder things. im fine everyting with my roomate is going good. i bought a differant truck and had to change motors in it but its all good because its for Arianna my baby, i had alot of good help even samantha and she doesnt have a clue lol . . i have been working hard and trying to get things ready for her to arive but im kind of getting discuoraged because of ritas veiws but ill be ok. i hope everything is going to be good but who knows. on a better note, nice fish dj and uncle darrell maybe next time dj will get a better fish. lol yeah right. i hope to see everyone soon. peace,love and pancakes. love kyle

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dear Scott,
Thank you for providing me with precious gifts as my Godfather.
I hope you have a fantastic birthday.
Love, Christie
Happy birthday Scott!
from all of the Nuts

Saturday, August 1, 2009


more to add........ come august 21st,2009 i will be going to see motley crue in the va beach amphitheater. cannot wait.....

Friday, July 31, 2009







Thursday, July 30, 2009


so just figured i would update.......nothing much going on, still fighting the good fight to get colen here, working harder than ever, and all that fun stuff. got this great farmers tan going for me too. next week, i am gonna apply to see if i am a match for bone marrow donor, and if i for some reason match, i will get a 5 day all expences pay trip to DC. yes i know that being a marrow donor hurts like hell, but figured i would see about it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A couple weeks late...

But this is my late post on the Maine trip.. Brian, Dad and I went to the North Maine Woods for nine days. our first couple of days, we stayed at Clayton lake, in the Ashland area. while there, we saw a few Moose, a Bald Eagle, and several other fun critters.

The next couple of nights were spent on Island pond. in the area between Ashland and Oxbow. we did some fishing, and caught nothing. we also saw several animals, including deer, loons, and Moose.One Moose, however, was a very big bull. i have pictures but cant upload because i cant find my camera cord. Anyway.. we took a day to do some fishing at churchill lake (which is part of the allagash wilderness waterway) and while we were there, i kept seeing something big appearing and disappearing in the water on the other side of the lake. after a while, i needed to go to the truck to get the map and figure out what town was closest (we had yet to catch any fish and ran out of food...) and as i was walking down the road, i looked up and the big bull was standing maybe 20 yards away from me (the disappearing thing i saw was the bull, i forgot to mention that..) i got a few pictures of him as he walked slowly down the road..

The next four nights were spent on Big pleasant pond, in the Ki-Jo Mary portion of NMW, near Millinocket. We saw more animals, caught some fish(most of which were not keepable) but we had a rather frightening encounter with a mother bear and cub.. we were driving down the road and saw a flattened area in the berries, and decided to investigate. while doing so, we heard something moving up away from us, so we decided we were safe.. well, as it turns out, i got too close to the woods, and we were growled at. dad asked if i heard that, and i said yes. i moved again, and we were growled at again, this time more pronounced.. needless to say, we left imediately... we also fished Gauntlet Falls. which i was slightly worried about, but we all made it safely. also, i caught one of two keepable fish while we were there. and 18 inch salmon. i was quite excited. anyways. ill try getting some pics up, and ill give more at that time.

we enjoyed ourselves. and i hope you enjoy our story.
hope to see you all soon!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I had high hopes of posting a couple of truly wonderful photos of you from your childhood but the scanner wasn't cooperating.
Stay tuned!

Friday, July 3, 2009

It was this long....

Yah you know how the fishing stories go.....but these didn't get away...

DJ caught this pike last night, and we were pretty impressed.

That is until Darrell brought this one home:

45"long, 20.5 lb pike

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Auntie Cindy!

Here are some pictures from Aunt Cindy's party. It was a great time and I'm glad I could be there!

Blowing out the candles!
Explaining the rose buds to Ruth.
Time to cut and enjoy!

a while

been a while since i have posted other than moms birthday. everything is good still, still looking for an apartment to live in and still trying to get my drivers licence. other than that, work has been hard, just got done with a naval safety survey, got my pallet truck(electric fork truck) safety certs tommorrow, and duty on thursday.............oh and it is hotter than hell down here. And Transformers was a freaking great movie, not one so much for kids, but funny and action packed, better than the first.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cindy's 40th Birthday

Great Party!! Darrell did a beautiful job honoring his wife for her special day. Here are some photos:
Making a Wish

Friday, June 26, 2009


Happy, Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!!!!

Happy Birthday

happy birth day mom..........hehehehe.........my mom is getting old........hehehehehe........40........hehehehehe.....crap i only have 17 years until i am 40.........anyway happy birthday and sorry i couldnt be there for it

Monday, June 22, 2009

Countdown begins for a Birthday Princess

Three cheers for the birthday princess.
Just a few more days until the big 4-0.
Can't wait to dig and find the best of the best goofy photos to share here among those of us who love you best. We'll start with "Little Miss Our Lady of Victory".
You were so cute and we were so proud!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonged to him, and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered the man and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."

The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Saturday, June 20, 2009


What a blessing a new baby is. The newest leaf on the family tree, the future of us. How excited we all get when a new baby is coming. How sad when the promise of the future doesn't come to term and we are all touched by the emptiness that incompletion brings. I look forward to the arrival of our next leaf and pray there may be many more.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

a quick update..


For those of you who have met Will, I have news.. he's having a baby girl this fall.. were all nervous and excited. But we believe him, his girlfriend, and the baby will be just fine.

Erin and i are good. she had a dance competition ( a feis as its called in the irish dancing world) a couple weeks ago. she did 4 dances and placed 1st, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. shes working hard but not liking where shes at. im trying to help her as much as i can.

Im working alot. but not as much as i would lke to be. so, ive been doing landscaping on the side. i got a new tattoo last month. ill show those interested when i see you. i am also in the process of purchasing a different vehicle. my car died last month, and the cost was more than the worth.

I would also like to ask a favor of everybody. a kind of unusual one from me. and that is to keep my boss and good friend in your prayers, as he is going through a separation with his wife and its tough on him. So, if everyone could pray that he comes out ok, i would really appreciate it. He's one of those people that likes to keep things personal, so im gonna be respectful of that and not give his name. thank you.

Dad, Brian, and I are planning a 9 day trip to the north maine woods. it should be fun. we already have almost all of our gear, and are just getting the last small items. hopefully it'll be sunny when we go.

that's a quick update as to what I've been up to.
ill see you all soon.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Buddy!

Now that you are 18,
you can stopped pouting,
get your schoolwork done,
and get a job!


Love you Mum :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Ello everyone!

WEll since no one is posting anymore, I guess I will drop one off, and let everyone know that I got fired from Valley Vista on Wednesday. It sucks, but I was thankful because they were being mean to me and kind of treating me unfair. SOo now I'm unemployed, and I have been enjoying not working these last few days, (well until the money runs out) I've already been actively searching for a job, but the economy sucks so hopefully I will find something reletively fast!!! I hope someone else decides to post! Hope to see everyone soon!!!

The Officially Unemployed Jenn

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Sunday would have been Mammie's 89th birthday. I wasn't there at graveside in person but someone else went for me and tenderly placed the flowers there. She called me while she was at Graveside, thinking someone had stolen the marker from the grave but there isn't one yet. I am finding it difficult to chose. I miss my mother and The call as a tiny blessing. It brought me to her side on her birthday. Happy Day, Mumsie Dearest. Love from your Bobbie.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Hope your day is wonderfully
filled with love and joy.

Miss you (and everyone) lots and lots!

Love Love!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Couple Causes

I've found out about a couple websites recently that I want to share with you all because I think they are some great causes.

The first one is To Write Love on Her Arms. This is their mission: "To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery." They are faith based and focus a lot on community and the idea that people need other people.

The second one is Spread the Word to End the Word. The word they mean is the "r-word," or "retarded." This is a word I never use towards another person and I think this cause is a great one. For those of you who knew and loved Dolly, it's a website worth checking out.

I hope everyone is doing fabulously! I miss you all lots and hope to see you soon- if not on my trip home in May, then at Auntie Cindy's party in June!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Spring and Goats

I thought I had photos but I don't.

The goats have returned from their winter pasture.

Spring has sprung.

Stop by anytime, Jenn. They've been asking for you.

Candle Party

hello everyone...or lack of everyone??

anyways, I'm having a candle party at my house on monday, May 11th, and everyone better be there. haha. I don't know what time yet, but make sure your schedules are free!!

I'll post again when I figure out what time it will be, in the mean time, I expect to see some people posting!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Animal Planet

or life in the real world...

While we were visiting Grandpa Joe, I was watching the birds out the front window.
All of a sudden, I noticed what I thought was a morning dove and a blue jay going at it. Being nosy, Grandpa, Ruth, and I got up and moved to see what was going on.
It was this :

I am still trying to ID the hawk, but it was pretty interesting, yet kind of, um, well, morbid, to watch the battle. However, we watch Animal Planet, and here it was right in front of us...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I know it's Easter not Mother's Day but.......

Mike listens to "Music to Go to the Dump By" on Saturday mornings and introduced me to this song which I must share:

Loved it. Hope you do too!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Well, I guess it's been a million years since I posted last. I have been working. I went to boston for a super boring seminar with my friend Steve that also works at Second Growth. I have also been playing twister every week with some recovery friends. I had to do CPI training for VV last week, it was tough after like six hours of twister. haha. It's crisis prevention and intervention. Basically how to de-escalate someone who's super angry, and how to physicaly restrain them if they can't verbally de-escalate. Yesterday, I got some of my tattoo on my shoulder done.

I was going to post a picture of it, but I can't seem to find where they uploaded too! haha.

So anyways, that is my life in a nutshell....whats going on for everyone else?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter egg hunt

Our church did an Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday. My class hides the eggs, while the younger groups find them. This is Ruth’s last year to hunt. Didn’t it go by fast?





Monday, April 6, 2009


So, I did this whole post and took forever because putting pictures on here and labeling them all is a pain, and when I posted it I realized it was the reading blog, not this one. So oy vay. It's been so long since I posted, I thought I would give a little update. I'm not sure if I've mentioned on here, but I have a second job now, working in the box office at the Washington Performing Arts Society, which sponsors all sorts of shows (mostly music--classical, jazz, etc) at different venues in the city. It's pretty good, though I hate being cooped up in an office all day. The extra paycheck is really nice. Also, I'm sure you all know, I'm living with Christie right now. It's fun, nice to have sister time. The commute is brutal, but it beats paying rent. Anyway, for some fun things-I recently made a trip up to Philadelphia and we went to the Eastern State Penitentiary, the oldest penitentiary in the world, I believe. Not to be confused with prison--apparently they are different things. Pictures!
Watch Tower

Death Row

Al Capone's Cell

It was really cool and old and creepy. I'm hoping to go back sometime and do the ghost tour. OOOOOOO!!!! Scaryyy. Anyhoo, hope to hear from the rest of you soon. LOVE LOVE!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Today IS the day!

How I loved the purple guitar cake.
Christie and Karen gave me a special gift. View it here:
Thank you Cindy for remembering my birthday twice. Maybe 40 is catching up to you already!

Is TODAY the Right day?

If so, then I wish Kathy the very best!
I hope you have a very...

Love, Cindy P and the CT Acorns

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


so just pulled out of israel. went on a tour of Jerusalem, saw alot of sites. i will share all pics i have from there, when i come home. but after leaving there, i feel that i should state that i feel like a new man. i know i havent been a real religous guy for the past few years, much to mothers dissapointment, but i feel i am going to try to start over on the whole thing.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

First tooth!

I hope I don't get in trouble with Sam but since she can't post very often I thought I would share that Logans first tooth made it's appearance on Saturday March 21st! It's too tiny to get a picture of but we wanted to share. Her little boy is growing up! He had his 6 month appt on Thursday and weighed 19.6 lbs and is over 28 inches long! Starting to sit up on his own and although he isn't crawling, he is certainly moving around on the floor quite a bit. It won't be long!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cindy's turning 40

Please, if everyone would try to not make plans for June 27, 09,

So I can invite you to Cindy’s “Over the hill” 40th Birthday party.

It will be here at the house on Saturday, the 27th at around 1:00 or so.

If everyone can bring something, that would be great.

You can email me for further info or questions.

My email is bigdp1958@snet.net.   

Thank You. : D



Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Christie and Colen

Happy 25th Christie! I hope you have a "moooooo-ving" birthday!

You are a wonderful daughter and I'm looking forward to spending a few days with you next week. I love you!!
Happy Birthday to Colen too!! Two beautiful girls to share a birthday. I hope we can meet Colen very soon!

Happy Birthdays

Yes, birthdays, as in more than one.....

Happy birthday to Christie!

Here she is 20 years ago, about one of the cutest flower girls I ever saw. Who could resist the pretty lavender bow in her hair. Princess #1, we sure do love you!

I know she is an unofficial family member, and I may be breaking the rules, but since I know she often reads our blog:

Happy birthday to Colen Mae!